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NetRadiant is a brush-based 3D game level editor with support for many games like Xonotic, Unvanquished, and more…

Maintained by a community of gamers, mappers, modders and game developpers, NetRadiant is free and open source and run on various operating systems like Linux, Windows, macOS and FreeBSD, learn more….

CRN and WebP image support

CRN and WebP image support
The CRN format support was added to both NetRadiant and Q3map2. It is implemented by using the Crunch submodule from Dæmon Engine which follows Unity’s implementation. Also, the WebP image support is now merged. It was implemented long time ago and distributed with Ingar’s builds for years, but was not merged until now. Also, NetRadiant was made more resilient by not erroring on missing image support. The CRN format is an image compression format optimized for GPU loading like DDS or KTX, hence it is likely to be used by games. [Read More]

CSG Make Room operation

CSG Make Room operation
With the help of Garux (thanks to him!), the CSG “Make Room” operation was added. It makes possible to create a room from a brush by surrounding it, which is very handy to create skyboxes. See the related merge request thread for details about implementation. The feature was also ported to DarkRadiant to help our friends from The Dark Mod and the Doom 3 mapping community. [Read More]

Pakpath support

Pakpath support
Pakpaths support was just added, NetRadiant can support up to 5 pakpaths and it’s also possible to disable engine directoru and home directory to fully control what’s loaded or not. Q3map2 got the -fs_pakpath option like Dæmon’s -pakpath and related option to also disable engine and home directory. Gamepacks may have to be edited to fully benefit fromthe feature, learn more on the related merge request thread. [Read More]

PK3dir and DPK/DPKdir support

PK3dir and DPK/DPKdir support
PK3dir and DPKdir support was added. A PK3dir is a directory with the exact same layout of a PK3, to be used in place of PK3 for development purpose. A DPKdir is the same kind of directory but for DPK archives. The DPK format extends the PK3 one with dependency management. At this point, only NetRadiant handles dependencies, The Q3map2 map compiler loads all DPK as PK3 without taking care of dependencies yet. [Read More]