About NetRadiant

This is a piece of history

About NetRadiant
NetRadiant is a free and open-source 3D game level editor using the brush methodology. NetRadiant is cross platform and is known to run well on Linux, Windows and FreeBSD. While not being native on macOS yet, it is reported to run well on this system using Wine. Download NetRadiant and start mapping! Historically a fork of the GtkRadiant project from Id Software, it is maintained by a community of gamers, mappers, modders and game developpers. [Read More]

Download NetRadiant

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Download NetRadiant
NetRadiant builds Those are built from time to time by illwieckz, in an attempt to provide up-to-date NetRadiant builds. Download NetRadiant 1.5.0-20220628 Linux users are expected to have an already working GTK2 and OpenGL environment1. Windows users can enable optional Mesa3D rendering2. Linux 64-bit: EU download, US download. Windows 64-bit: EU download, US download. Windows 32-bit: EU download, US download. macOS 64-bit: EU download, US download. FreeBSD 64-bit: EU download, US download. [Read More]